Tuesday, January 22, 2013

In Brief Gap of Vacuum of the Vacuous, Here Comes Blackburn, Doubling Down on Going Backwards

NOTE:  Nashville City Paper agrees with our conclusion about this political attention-shifting to Blackburn, now that Palin's and Bachmann's stars have fallen.  Here is a link to their story, which basically says Blackburn is spending a lot of time on TV lately --- like we said, in this Vacuum, here comes the Vacuous, Marsha Blackburn.  http://nashvillecitypaper.com/content/city-news/blackburn-again-finds-herself-middle-political-fray-time-gop-course-stake

7th District Rep. Marsha Blackburn learned nothing from the 2012 election, when Americans generally voted against her kind---the ones who want to re-define rape, who want to do nothing to spur the economy, who want to abolish public education, who want to cut off all help for regular people so taxpayer money can be used to subsidize giant corporations who toast her at fundraisers.

Perhaps, after being overshadowded by Palin as the last decade ended and by Bachmann, who got press as she sought to be the 2012 GOP presidential choice, Blackburn believes she must seize this moment of a relative vacuum of the vacuous---and assert her position as no less misguided and destructive than the other two of this unholy trinity.

From Women's Health News, an examination of Blackburn's recent sponsorship of a bill to abolish family planning:

...and from Daily Kos a look at Blackburn as she yearns to replay that Republican tune of hurting America by taking the government hostage....as well as her disinterest in storm Sandy victims, a hark back to her days of "We can't cry 'emergency,' every time we have a Katrina, every time we have a tsunami."  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/01/15/1179043/-This-is-what-a-Government-Hostage-taker-looks-like

For old time's sake, here is a clip from Blackburn's "What emergency?" video:


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