Saturday, July 17, 2010

This is What Happens When You Let Marsha Blackburn Ramble On

1 comment:

  1. All Charlie Brown heard from his teacher was "Wah, Wah, Wah." This is worse. If you want to get even with someone and inflict Cheney-Rumsfield style torture, tie them up and make them watch and listen to Marsha Blackburn screeching on about oil and Obama's shortcomings. I double-dog dare you to listen to the whole thing---I admit I could not---and then try to figure out what she actually said, if anything. Other than trying to squeeze in a hit on Obama, it sounded like someone straining to keep words coming out because she liked talking on TV, even though there was no organized thought back there pushing the words. Kinda like Bachmann and Palin, rambling with only sound and no substance. We are so screwed in the 7th district--and the rest of the USA--with Blackburn in the saddle.
